What causes cellulite?

Cellulite develops in different stages, each increasingly influenced by estrogen hormones, poor circulation, water retention, increased fat cells, and loss of skin elasticity.

Can diet and exercise get rid of this unsightly problem?

Although diet and exercise are useful in reducing body weight, they have very little impact on cellulite. Since cellulite develops in different layers of skin, a combination of approaches is required to successfully reach and address cellulite at each specific layer.

What are the different stages and how can I recognize them?

Cellulite is classified into four categories:

Stage 1: “Orange Peel” appearance visible only when pinching the skin Stage 2: “Orange Peel” appearance visible without pinching the skin Stage 3: ”Mattress-like” or “Dimpling” appearance, impaired circulation Stage 4:  All the above in addition to A loss of skin elasticity causing fat clusters, rippling effect, and vascular problems such as spider veins and bruising

The Lumicell Wave 6 is a cellulite management system which offers a combined approach to targeting cellulite-related problems including:

  • Dimpling of the skin
  • Orange peel appearance
  • Localized fat deposits
  • Heavy legs
  • Skin contour irregularities
  • rippling of inner thigh

The combination of energy technologies dramatically targets and reduces localized cellulite deposits, producing long lasting results!

A targeted approach to cellulite and body contouring and high performance cellulite treatment that provides dramatic slimming and firming effects.

The Lumicell Wave 6 combines powerful technologies that penetrate all layers affected by cellulite.

There are four phases to the treatment:

Photo-pneumatic Massage - the powerful vacuum assisted deep tissue massage releases lymphatic blockages and stimulates blood flow combined with infrared light; which warms up the tissue to induce elimination of stored fat and toxins.

The Ultrasound treats the deeper fatty layers, reducing localized fat deposits by liquefying stored fat and preventing the storage of additional fat in the fatty cells and encouraging fat depletion.

The Bipolar Radiofrequency increases collagen production, tightening and visibly improving the skin's appearance. The treatment firms the skin tissues by tightening the existing collagen fibers and stimulating the production

Meso-esthetic (optional) - "Needle-Free" Transdermal delivery of mesotherapy products, rich in fat burning ingredients further encourages the break-up of adipose tissue.

What you can expect?

Quick, visible and long lasting results. Lumicell Wave 6 effectively targets and reduces stubborn localized fat deposits, tightens and reduces the circumference of the thighs, visibly improves the skin’s orange peel and dimpling appearance and provides tremendous results, safely and comfortably.